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Your Safety is Our Top Priority

5k safety symbol
Minimum breaking strength: 5000 lbs
26k safety
Our Zipline Cable capacity: 26,000 lbs!

High Quality—Made in the USA

With a perfectly clean safety record, Jungle Zipline Maui is setting the safety standard for any Zipline in Hawaii.​

Jungle Zipline Maui is a member of the Association for Challenge Course Technologies (ACCT).​

We meet or exceed all ACCT standards for construction, operations and training.​

Made in USA image


Throughout each phase of construction, training, operations, equipment selection, maintenance, and program development we’ve implemented measures to ensure participant safety.We have an uncompromising commitment to safety. 100% Redundancy: All attachment points are redundant, ensuring maximum participant safety.

Our course was designed and built by a leading canopy tour designer and installer in North America

Redundancy has been designed and implemented into each tour element and attachment point, ensuring optimal participant safety.

Safety First image


All our lines are equipped with state of the art safety and braking systems. You can enjoy your ride and don’t have to concentrate or participate in the braking!

We utilize the self-regulating magnetic braking system on all of our ziplines to ensure a comfortable and safe ride for all participants.

Zip stop technology

Guide Training:

Each and every canopy guide is certified and undergoes a rigorous 50 – 60 hour training course, and must pass written and field exams before leading participants on tours.

Canopy guides are required to participate in continuing education to hone their safety, interpretation, and guiding skills.

All guides are certified in First Aid and CPR.

Jungle Zipline Maui has adopted an industry-leading training program to ensure our canopy guides exceed industry standards.

Climb icon

Regular Safety Inspections

Every day, our trained staff thoroughly inspects all the ziplines, platforms, trails, and equipment of each course.

Once a month we conduct a full day thorough inspection of the entire park.

Once a year an accredited ACCT inspector
conducts a comprehensive inspection of Jungle Zipline Maui.

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